Re:Racoons and Nepenthes

From: Richard Brown (
Date: Sun May 24 1998 - 10:27:03 PDT

Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 13:27:03 -0400
From: "Richard Brown" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1764$foo@default>
Subject: Re:Racoons and Nepenthes

Hi Chris,

Maybe I can help on both accounts: Racoons and Nepenthes seed viability. The
easiest is Nepenthes seed viability. Your guess is what I've found to be the
case. The viability is variable, depending on the species. Also, germination
is variable, especially with hybrids. Sometimes a "crop" of Nepenthes seed
has very high germination, and then the next year (or whenever) the same
exact two parents yield seed with a very low germination rate. This
phenomenon is not as bad with a species (I've had several seasons of
experience with N. khasiana) and tends to worsen with hybrids, especially
complex ones. I suspect this is due to ploidy (chromosome numbers). Give
them time to germinate once you sow the seed. I've had Nepenthes seed take
up to six months to germinate!

Now the racoons. Don't be fooled by their cute, bright eyed little masked
faces. They are destructive creatures1 They get in my lathe house and do
what you described. They turn over pots, dig up plants (yes. I've had them
actually dig Nepenthes out of the pot. Why? I'll never know.) They climb up
into plants in hanging baskets, causing them to crash to the ground. After a
night of cavorting, they leave their "calling cards", if you know what I
mean. Nasty. I also get opposums, which, as far as I'm concerned, are racoon
understudies. Nothing drives away racoons. If cornered they will fight. They
have sharp teeth and may carry rabies. The only way to get rid of 'em is to
trap them, which is what I do. I am much too kind hearted to kill
them(they're just another being trying to make a living). I use an animal
trap, piece of chicken for bait, and, once trapped, take them for a drive in
the country-their new home.

I've got tons of crazy racoon stories. Hope this is helpful.

Until later,

Trent Meeks
Pompano Beach, Fl.

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