Re: Wild animals and Nepenthes

From: Rand Nicholson (
Date: Thu Jun 04 1998 - 04:38:27 PDT

Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 06:38:27 -0500
From: Rand Nicholson <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1907$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Wild animals and Nepenthes

Hi Rogan:

>Unfortunately, living where I do in South Africa (Pietermaritzburg), I
>am only plagued by "wild" animals such as burrowing bantams, red
>spider mite, mealy bug and pernicious scale!

"burrowing bantams"? Do you mean bantam hens of the barnyard variety that
actually construct burrows? Or very small pugilists?

Ye all may well laugh at the naivety of this question, but I have heard of
stranger things and South Africa is full of strange and wonderful things to
a Frostback Canuk.

>Please send me some Giraffes (or Alligators) they would certainly be a
>pleasant change!

>Best regards
>Rogan Roth.

No Giraffes (or Alligators), but how about a wolverine and a couple of
sway-back moose?

Kind Regards,


Rand Nicholson
New Brunswick
Maritime Canada, Z 5b

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