Help save my Nepenthes.

From: Matt Ouimette (
Date: Tue Jun 30 1998 - 17:21:25 PDT

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 17:21:25 -0700
From: Matt Ouimette <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2193$foo@default>
Subject: Help save my Nepenthes.

I posted this about a week ago, but it was in the body of a longer
message and might have been overlooked.

I seem to have a problem with my nepenthes, and if anyone can offer any
advice or help, I'd ceretainly like to hear it.

I have a pair of Nepenthes Spathulata X Vetchii in my terrarium.
They've both been doing very well for the last year, but the larger of
the two seems to be having some sort of trouble of late - the pitchers
have begun to die. :(

Up until a month or so ago, it still had all of the original pitchers
it had when I bought it. Then the pitchers started to go brown and
die, one at a time, the oldest first. The plant has about 5 pitchers on
it now, One dead from the top to halfway down, one with the lid just
turning brown, and three healthy pitchers. There are a couple of
growing but unopened ones too.

It's not a very big plant - it's only got 11 leaves total, but it's lost
about 4 pitchers in the last month or so. Is this normal? The pitcher
that's turning brown now is the only one that had reddened up fully -
The last few healthy ones still haven't gone fully red around the

I thought it might be the lowest leaves dying off while the crown
continued to grow, but I really don't know. They DO seem to be dying
oldest to youngest pitchers.

I mist it every day, feed it crickets, etc. No fertilizer.

Can anyone offer any suggestions or thoughts as to why the pitchers
might be dying..? I hope to take care of it before the whole plant
goes, if there really is a problem.

Matt O.

##  It may be great to soar with the eagles,   ##
##  but you never see a weasel getting sucked  ##
##       into a jet engine, now do you?        ##

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