
From: John Welsh (jrwelsh@nutecnet.com.br)
Date: Mon Jul 06 1998 - 17:28:26 PDT

Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 21:28:26 -0300
From: "John Welsh" <jrwelsh@nutecnet.com.br>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2259$foo@default>
Subject: Longevity

Hi CPer's

I have a question for some of the more "experienced" CP growers on the
list. As most of you are probably unaware, I am starting up a commercial CP
business here in Brazil. I am presently preparing explicative pamphlets for
the plants which I am commercializing, and have come to the part about life
expectancy. (Brazilians are quite preoccupied with this aspect, on the
grounds that many have bought annuals in the past believing them to be
perrenials. Most plants are sold here with little or no information as to
how to care for them, let alone any details on their origin or history).
Anyway, here is the question:

What is the life expectancy of the following CP's?

           Dionaea Muscipula
           Sarracenia (any difference between species? How about the
           Nepenthes Alata (at least I think it's an Alata - it's terribly
hardy and looks
              like the photo of Alata in Cheer's book.)
           Drosera Capensis
           Drosera Intermedia
           Drosera Binata
           Drosera Adelae

Happy growing
John Welsh

By the way answers such as "at least 12 years" or "I've had mine for 9
years and it's yet to show signs of turning up it's toes" are valid.

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