Re: More on Juergs paper

Date: Wed Jul 08 1998 - 15:34:03 PDT

Date:          Wed, 8 Jul 1998 15:34:03 
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2280$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: More on Juergs paper

Dear Loyd,

> another paper to add to the 'get' list. So in the absence of
> the paper by Sanz and Co, Blanca's P.submeaditerranea would
> still have taken priority over P.l.ssp. dertosensis if I
> understand this correctly.

If the taxon is considered a species possibly related to but distinct
from (i.e. not a subspecies of) _P. longifolia_, it must be called
_P. dertosensis_.

If the taxon is considered a subspecies of _P. longifolia_, it must
be called _P. longifolia subsp. dertosensis_.

In the absence of the Sanz publication (an irreal condition), it
would have to be called _P. submediterranea_ if considered a species
and _P. longifolia subsp. dertosensis_ if considered a subspecies of
_P. l._.

> Jan can we now recognise P.fiorii on the database, at
> least until the whole issue is resolved by future work?

We can. With the recent new discoveries and possible further ones, I
am not at all prepared to be dogmatical with these taxa and their
names (as long as they are legitimate according to the ICBN). Be
patient with database updates, however.

> Where as
> some of the temperate Pinguicula we are talking about could
> be considered as 'variations on a theme', what is so
> interesting about P.fiorii is how different it is from the
> others.

Well, it is even different from itself! The type does not correspond
well to plants that I did find at the locus classicus, which had very
long spurs. The short spur is not at all constant in the plants, not
even within individuals. Almost all dimensions of the flower and the
leaves stated to differentiate the "species" seem to vary
considerably with time and location. Yes, it is less heterophyllous
than _P. l. reichenbachiana_ (but cf. e.g. _P. l. caussensis_ or _P.
l. dertosensis_!). There are populations from 600 m alt to about 2500
m alt. Much of the distinctness of this taxon is lost if it is
considered across its whole range of variability. The main point I am
making is that _P. fiorii_ does certainly have much less to do with
_P. balcanica_ than with _P. longifolia_ s.l.

Kind regards

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