Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 14:42:20 +0300 From: To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg2440$foo@default> Subject: Foul smelling soil
I noticed that many of my plants started to have foul smelling soils. This
is especially noticable when I am repotting my plants. My plants always sit
in plenty of water. Maybe I am waterlogging my plants to the extreme, hence
causing this bad smell. Maybe I should let the soils dry a bit before I
water them again.
If anyone has a practical solution, I will be much obliged.
My second concern is that although most of my sarrs, droseras, neps and
pings are robust and healthy, all my VFT's and Dosera adelae are slowly
withering away. My VFT's are obviously in big trouble. All their new traps
are very small and immediately turn black as soon as they grow. I have 6
plants in the same condition and they are at least 3 years old. Also, my
sarracenia psittacina's pitcher tips are turning brown. They all get 4-5
hours direct sunlight everyday on an east facing window and are located in
a 70% humid environment. Could it be the water quality? I have been using
acidic but somehow hard water for the last 12 months.
What could be the possible causes and remedies?
Thanks again for your help.
Best Regards,
Emre Gurcan
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