Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 07:21:00 -0500 From: "Carlo A. Balistrieri" <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg2737$foo@default> Subject: Re: new species or hybrid
>The second situation is the almost exclusively negative effect (for
>the scientist who requires the specimens) of the (wrong and
>contraproductive) application of CITES regulations to herbarium
>specimens, which is only possible because some weird legal eagles
>have defined the transport of herbarium specimens on loan from one
>address to the other as "trade" although no change of proprietary
>status is involved whatsoever. This can (and IMHO must) be changed by
>a definitive statement in the CITES text that should a priori (i.e.
>without lengthy debates and tedious application paperwork if and why
>herbarium specimens are what they are) exclude material for purely
>scientific research. I know that there is quite a lot of fake "whale
>research" in countries where whale meat and other products (which
>are somehow always the waste of the "research" work) can be sold at
>good prices, but the situation with herbarium specimens is quite
>different. At least I do not know of any person who sells herbarium
>specimen derived products or by-products of herbarium specimen
We must recall (when railing against CITES) that there are exemptions for
registered scientific institutions/exchange and pre-convention specimens.
Most herbarium specimens that I've run across in my professional work with
CITES have fallen under the pre-convention rules and all that is needed is
documentation that should be in place anyway as part of the accession record
regarding date of collection, etc.
Carlo A. Balistrieri, J.D.
P.O. Box 327
Ashippun, WI 53003-0327
Voice: 414.569.1902 Telefax: same number, please call ahead.
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