Tap Water

From: Emre_Gurcan@philips.com.tr
Date: Thu Sep 10 1998 - 21:50:55 PDT

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 07:50:55 +0300
From: Emre_Gurcan@philips.com.tr
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2977$foo@default>
Subject: Tap Water

Regarding thea above topic, I would like to share my experience. I have
been using Istanbul tap water for two years on my plants without any ill
effects. All my plants are healthy and the ones that aren't are most likely
due to other conditions such as low light or humidity. I must add that
recently I tested our water and it turned out to be very soft (under 2 DH,
a European measure). Otherwise, the plants would probably have died. I also
add some vinegar to tap water to make it acidic (around 6.6 PH) and let the
water stand for a day or two before using it. However, I still don't know
what effects it would have over the long run, say 3-5 years from now. So
far, all my sarracenias, droseras, pings, neps are growing quite healthy. I
have some problem with a few VFT's but that's probably due to amount of
water, not the quality.
For those who intend to use tap water, I suggest you have your water tested
first. Still, nothing beats clean rain or RO water. Plus, tap water might
also contain some other harmful elements that might be bad for your plants.
I use it because it is soft, cheap and easily available and that no ill
effects are visible so far. If the tide turns, I will look at other
Best Regards,

Emre Gurcan

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