Re: Re: unlurking with aphids

Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 18:50:00 PST

Date:    Wed, 16 Dec 98 21:50 EST
From: Dave                                 <T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg4005$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Re: unlurking with aphids

Dear Rand and Karen,

> Terrarium growing of these comes with its own problems and if you can't get
> them to slow down and take a cool rest, aphids may be the least of your
> worries. They may also need to be repotted more often because VFTs really
> like good drainage and even to dry out a little on the odd occasion. Rot
> and mold can be a major concern.

   This should not be taken lightly. VFT enjoys good drainage and
bottles may not be the best way to grow they long term, but this
doesn't mean you shouldn't or can't grow them like this, just most
people rather grow them the way Rand and I do. I think you might be
able to get some nice plants using large bottles and it should be
easy to control water level better by being semi-enclosed so you don't
have to check on the moisture that often. Many growers have to water
their plants every day! In terrariums, it maybe weeks before water
is needed. But fungus will find terrariums very nice too! It is a
trade off, one method gives perks that the other doesn't, but you
find that bottles are better for you.

> I think that Dave will agree with me here, that spraying soapy water into a
> jar is not a good idea, over the long term., but you can rinse the soil with distilled water. It's
not as good as having a plant in a pot to work with, but it's better
than having aphids.

> An alternative, but a labour
> intensive one, is to use a Q-Tip soaked in denatured alcohol and
> individualy dab the aphids as you see them. This will not get them all,

   I can attest to this, after trying to kill off aphids on my
Drosera. I then soaped and soaked the plants in water, then I
used poison couple days later reckoning that most bugs were dead
or new babies that one application of Isotox would kill the rest
off. This worked. But I also have many plants, when you have
only a few plants, it is much easier to get all the bugs without
having to use poisons.

> but
> it will control them until you repot and can soak, or spray the plants. I
> might consider repotting the plants into regular pots and using a removable
> plastic dome(s) over them if there were concerns about humidity.

   I think Rand's advice is sound, and you might want to try growing
them both ways and see how well they do long term.

> VFTs are really tough plants within their own range of growing conditions
> and can take a lot of abuse.

   They don't take abuse well from me. ;)

Dave Evans

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