Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:06:47 -0800 From: "Capestany" <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg4010$foo@default> Subject: Re-introduction
Unfortunately, I have not been able to read any of the CP digests since
school began (all the way back in September) because I have been faced with
one project after another and have been getting on average only 4 hours of
sleep a day (I have been having second thoughts about all these "advanced
courses" they so proudly offer). This is the first break in the huge wave of
assignments I have had, and so I took the time to log-on and scroll down the
infinetly long list of unread mail I have. There is no way I could ever read
it all, does anyone recall any useful information about Heliamphoras being
mentioned on the digest? If so, do tell me, I'd be rather interested.
Also, another favor that I ask of anyone who would be willing to cooperate,
when is the next planned National Capital Carnivorous Plant Society meeting,
and where? I will most probably bring along my dozen or so species of
Nepenthes, (some nice specimens of petiolata, spathulata, hirsuta,
rafllesiana, fusca, etc...) which have grown too big and are now out of
control, to sell them at a reasonable price. I love pitcher plants, but I
hate not being able to easily collect all of the varieties in the given
species ;) so I am switching to Heliamphoras. From the research I have done
it seems they are quite compact and would do nicely in the empty terrariums
I will have, but I would like to know more reliable heights of all the H.
species from actual growers, and some extra growing techniques would also be
aprreciated. Thanks for putting up with this long message, and even more
thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge with me!
Paul Capestany
Virginia, USA
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