Date: Wed, 13 Jan 99 12:09:02 MET From: "Fabio D'Alessi" <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg89$foo@default> Subject: Re: ICPS renewal
> Dear Rick and All,
> Although the ICPS is International it is quite difficult to renew
> membership from a non-US country. In the UK the only way I'm aware of is
> to go to the bank to get some dollars and to send cash which is not
> ideal. If I want to order back issues (which I do) this would involve
> sending a large amount of cash whcih is then a gamble. Additionally most
> UK banks won't dispense $5 notes which makes the $25 fee difficult.
> Did anything come of Barry Meyers-Rice investigation of credit card
> payment? Alternatively, would non-dollar personal cheques be suitable?
> Some US bookstores accept cheques in pounds sterling without hesitation.
> Richard
I agree. Being italian, and quite busy with work and all, it has
always been a problem for me. That's why I have always paid with
months of delay... and often helped by a US friend who sends money
for me in. A suggestion: couldn't the association find a person in
Europe able to gather payments from EEC people? Now with the Euro
it should be simpler. People from the EEC could pay in Euro to
someone and then this person would make just one exchange operation
and send just a US non-transferrable check to the US.
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