VFT Dormancy

From: Mark Pogany (markp@en.com)
Date: Sat Jan 16 1999 - 00:12:19 PST

Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 03:12:19 -0500
From: "Mark Pogany" <markp@en.com>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg114$foo@default>
Subject: VFT Dormancy

Jay wrote in CP digest 1693:

. My plants are in the
northeast-facing window of an unheated garage, with temps certainly no lower
than 40 degrees. All are definitely dormant (summer petiole growth gone,
winter rosettes, extremely slow or non-apparent growth). Even in full sun, I
think that 40 degrees should be fine.

Any other experiences out there?

My personal experience with Dionaea is similar but even warmer! For the past
few years my plants have overwintered in the following conditions, being
housed in eigther a cool house, cool basement, or cold garage:

Temperatures- Days 45-55f Nights 40-50f
Light- VERY diffused daylight, often quite dim due to extended overcast
Moisture- top of the pot's medium BARELY damp, moreso an inch down.
Vegetative activity- pretty much nil for the period from December thru early
March, most fall produced petioles remain evergreen but no trap development.
Older leaves go black and are trimmed off.

The only other thing I do as a precaution is lightly misting the foliage and
medium with a full strength Benomyl 50% WP spray once a month. I check the
pots on a routine basis for any further necrotic old leaves and soil

One other thing. I have been keeping an eye on the temperature profiles of
the Wilmington NC area during winter. Many days, even in the dead of winter,
are above 40f, nights averaging 35-45f. Even the NJ Pine Barrens seems to
have semi-moderate winter conditions although it is located much further
north. Both areas seem to benefit greatly from the Gulf Stream, which plays
a part in modifying the weather near the East Coast. VERY RARELY do you see
Wilmington, NC getting down to sub freezing conditions, at least for any
extended period.

Wish I could say the same here in Cleveland, Ohio where its been in the
teens for the past three weeks. High temps predicted early next week of 40f
have many people jumping for joy around here. We can use it to melt the 24
inches of snow and ice now on the ground!

Mark Pogany
Cleveland, Ohio

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