Fungus Help

Date: Mon Feb 01 1999 - 16:30:22 PST

Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 19:30:22 EST
Message-Id: <aabcdefg292$foo@default>
Subject: Fungus Help

I apologize for asking this question here, since I'm SURE it has been covered
before. But this is my first experience with this problem, so.....

I have a group of Sarracenia outdoors right now, and everybody appears to be
"sleeping" nicely. However, just yesterday I noticed that one of the S. rubra
wherryi has a grayish mold or fungus on the top of the rhizome, and about the
first half-inch of the stumps remaining from the pitchers. Can I safely
assume this is botrytis?

I have segregated the plant in question, and none of the other pots show any
visible signs of a problem. My question is: Can anyone recommend a SPECIFIC
BRAND NAME of fungicide (e.g., product XYZ by Ortho, etc.) to safely use on
the plant. I also assume a treatment of the other pots might be in order,
just incase. One readily available fungicide was Daconil (by Ortho). Anybody
have any experiences with this one?

I know that Pietropaolo and D'Amato talk about benomyl, Capstan, etc., but I
have been unable to find any of these in the several garden centers I visited.
Actually I did find one product in which Capstan was but one ingredient, but
it also contained Malathion and one other substance whose name I don't
remember. It's sold as a treatment for roses.

Thanks in advance,

Craig McDonald
Frisco, Texas
Zone 8

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