Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 14:13:37 EST From: To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg322$foo@default> Subject: Re: That glacier ping
Greetings folks, Peter here at California Carnivores!
There has been occasional chit chat about that Pinguicula I mentioned
in the introduction to The Savage Garden, where, speaking of the fact that
most carnivorous plants come from temperate, and not tropical, climates, I
wrote that a new species was found growing "on glacial ice". Fernando
mentioned a few days ago that the letter Joe Mazrimas had shown me had been an
April Fools joke. Fernando is indeed correct on this point, and Juerg was kind
enough to send me a copy of the original message, which, as good practical
jokes should be, seemed very serious! Apparently, according to Juerg, the
response to it indicated that many people, including yours truely, found it
quite believable!
Juerg was quick to point out that he has found P. leptoceras on moraines
within 300 yards of glaciers, which is close enough for the purpose of that
sentence in my book. The book will be amended for its second printing.
As for other news: Here at California Carnivores we have in stock a
limited quantity of D. stolonifera ssp. stolonifera. These are large, fairly
mature plants that are breaking the soil surface now, and are completely
adjusted to the northern hemisphere. They are in five inch pots. Price is
$20. We may have younger ones come up that may sell for about $10. Check
our website for ordering information, or call us at
(707) 838-1630.
Th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks! Peter
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