Re: Chit chat

Date: Sun Feb 21 1999 - 15:10:12 PST

Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 18:10:12 EST
Message-Id: <aabcdefg521$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Chit chat

Greetings folks, Peter here at California Carnivores!
     I've gotten over my Rosemary's Baby stomach virus and gave birth to the
most horrifying cultivar we've ever seen! Marilee said "Kill it!" but it ran
out of the greenhouse before we could. (Ironically, we do have a Sarracenia
cultivar tentatively named "Rosemary Woodhouse", and thanks to Jan's
tremendously helpful cultivar forms, this and many others will see
publication finally this year)
     Anyway, I did catch the last flower of D. pauciflora, which bloomed
mostly during my illness. As Glen Rankin and others have previously stated, it
was probably winter chill that caused them to bloom. In December it was so
cold that even with the heaters going full blast, it probably dropped to the
upper 30s in the greenhouse, where normally the temperature's closer to 50 F.
     Thanks to Trent and Rick for the info they offered on color transfers
that appeared in The Savage Garden.
     Calling all volunteers! California Carnivores is getting extremely busy
this time of year, so if any Bay Area CPers want to help out when it isn't
raining, remember it's $50 in plants for 6 hours of slave labor!
     Th-th-th-th-that's all, folks! Peter

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