B. reducta hints

From: Andrew Marshall (andrewm@olywa.net)
Date: Mon Apr 26 1999 - 13:25:15 PDT

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:25:15 -0700
From: "Andrew Marshall" <andrewm@olywa.net>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1456$foo@default>
Subject: B. reducta hints

Hello Folks, Bill in particular with the B. reducta question.
    I have grown Brocchinia reduct to flowering and beyond for 10 years now.
I have noticed here in Western Washington anyway, that they seem to slow a
bit during the heat of Summer, doing best in Spring and Autumn when we have
warmish days and coler nights. The greenhouse was a South facing structure
kept to no less then 50'f by night and up to 85'f by day. Summers though
could keep the nights near 70'f and then most of the highland Nepenthes I
had as well as the B. reducta seemed to slow down just a bit.
    Your soil mix seems to be OK. How much light does the plant get? Mine
take full sun most of the year, but as I shade to 30% in Summer for the
Nepenthes they get that as well. I have put a few outside in full sun and
seen no bad effects. The sunlight may be much stronger there then here
though so be cautious. A clue to if the light is ok or not. The plant
should be growing upright, in a tightly rolled tube, like a rolled up
newspaper. The tips of the leaves may droop ever so slightly, but the rest
should not. If they are drooping, resembling a department store Bromeliad,
then you are not giving the plant enough light.
    One thing i notice with mine is theat the main plant seems to cease
growing before and during the act of flowering and offsetting. Yours may
be on the verge of sending out offsets (pups) or blooming.
    Note, blooming will eventually (very slowly) kill the mother plant.
Don't worry, by the time this happens, she usually has a bunch of pups in a
really nice array on her skirts that can be breoken off and potted up
individually or left to make for a really nice display. I wish I had left
one of mine alone like this.
>Hi list, i am looking for information on B. Reducta. I have had a large
>plant for more than a year now, it is in a porous soil of lava rock, sand ,
>peat, and pearlight. The plant seems to have slown down, most new leaves
>not as large as previous ones. It stands a foot tall. It has not produced
>any brood bodies either. Can any one help that has expirence with this cp?
>All help is appreciated. One last question, i have several sarra's that
>are bursting from there pots, they are blooming now and have a pitcher or
>on them, can i transplant now if i don't disturb the root ball?
    Yes, you can, with the effect that you may slow them down just a little
bit. I even divide them now with only the smallest amount of slowing down
on the plants part. Go for it... and enjoy the results later when the
plants suddenly explode to fill the pot that you thought would be adequate,
but now seems to be barely large enough to hold them back.
    Best wishes and good growing
    Andrew Marshall

ps. I have many unusual and usual Sarracenia and Sarracenia hybrids for
sale if any one is interested.

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