Date: 19 May 1999 13:14:56 +0100 From: Loyd Wix <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg1747$foo@default> Subject: More on Utricularia
Dear All,
been very busy and unable to add a few comments on some
recent postings until now.
Brandon's request regarding easily flowered aquatic Utrics.
Last year (oct or nov) I obtained a piece of U.inflata which
I placed in a rectangular tank filled with water with a peat
layer on the bottom and some sedges. Basically a similar
set-up to that recommended for Aldrovandra. The Utric has
grown at an incredible rate and is currently in flower with
two more flower spikes to come. I am really pleased with
this as this is one of the species that forms a floating
platform for the flower stem with the floats arranged like
the spokes of a cart wheel. I haven't tried growing this
species in a terrarium - one drawback is the size of the
plant. (Rich if you're reading this has your plant flowered
yet?). I am keen to get hold of U.radiata if anyone in
Europe has some to trade.
Epiphytic U.reniformis - another potential explanation for
the reports is that seedlings and juvenile plants of the
Bromeliad dwelling U.nelumbifolia have reniform rather than
umbrella shaped leaves.
John your Utric seeds, U.uliginosa warm and wet 25deg C plus
germination approx 4 to 5 months, U.multifida very wet,
water level upto the compost somewhat cooler temps late
teens deg C germination 4 to 6 weeks. U.monanthos I've
germinated this species in a conventional propagator so
doesn't need anything special. For D.arcturi drop the seeds
into a clear plastic container with a lid on. Place in a
reasonably bright location, and remove the seedlings as they
germinate with a pipette and place onto compost.
I currently have both U.reniformis and U.humboldtii in
flower and have taken this opportunity to try to generate
some hybrid seed. Has anyone out there had any luck in
generating hybrid Utricularia?
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