How hot is too hot for CP's???

From: Paul Murphy (
Date: Tue Jul 06 1999 - 15:21:44 PDT

Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 23:21:44 +0100
From: "Paul Murphy" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2484$foo@default>
Subject: How hot is too hot for CP's???

Hi Amy and all, In my experience of growing many different sorts of
    plants, if a plant is put behind glass and the temperature
    exceeds 85f and is in direct sun, then the plant foliage is most
    likely to become scorched, glass in my opinion can tend to have
    a magnifying effect of the suns rays, if not the glass then the
    sticky droplets on a drosera certainly will. If this does
    happen (and you can monitor the temperature with a
    maximum/minimum thermometer) the plant can sometimes be saved by
    removing it from the direct sunlight/heat and spray the foliage
    regularly with water, it is important not to spray the plant in
    strong direct sunlight as this can add to the problem of
    scorching. If the plant is not in direct sunlight, but the
    temperature is still a problem, then I agree with Philip
    Semanchuk, and that is that the humidity needs to be higher.
    Although some CP's do sometimes grow naturally in high
    temperature conditions, remember that they are outdoors and not
    behind glass. (hope I spelt your name right Philip).

-----Regards, Paul Murphy.

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