Cobra Lily Babies

From: chris (drosera@CAM.ORG)
Date: Sun Aug 22 1999 - 06:28:55 PDT

Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 09:28:55 -0400
From: "chris" <drosera@CAM.ORG>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2995$foo@default>
Subject: Cobra Lily Babies

Hi Amy,

I can't answer your question about how long it will take for the
baby cobra lily to root, but in my limited experience with this
plant, I can say that you should not have repotted it so soon. I
find these plants extremely sensitive to root disturbance, to the
point that they can even die from it. When they do survive, it can
take ages for them to start growing again. I would suggest that you
leave the plant and any babies alone for now, and only remove the
younger plants when they have gotten significantly bigger, say
pitchers at least 6" high.

Good Luck!

Chris F. I just unpotted my cobra lily to find that from the roots
  it had produced a baby plant! The little plant has about five,
  not quite developed 1 1/2 inch tall pitchers, but it doesn't have
  any roots - it is just growing from a big, thick white root
  attached to the mother plant. I didn't notice anything when I got
  the plant about a month ago, but in that time that I've had it,
  the baby plant has been growing under the ground! I've read about
  how a cobra lily produces small plants, and that once the small
  plant produces roots it can be cut off the mother plant. My
  question is, though, how long will it be until the small plant
  produces roots, and then how do you cut it off the mother plant?
  Please let me know,


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