Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 13:45:38 +0100 From: Elliot Smith <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg3611$foo@default> Subject: Spare plants
For UK growers:
I have various spare plants, very common species, mainly Drosera (e.g.
D.capensis, D.aliciae, D.spatulata), which I need to get rid of (moving
to a new house where my girlfriend won't tolerate pots of mud on
windowsills, and there aren't many windowsills anyway).
Anyone interested can have them for the price of postage and packing;
alternatively, if there's anyone in the Birmingham area who is
interested, you can have them for nothing if you collect them!
Mail me for a list of what's available.
-- Elliot Smith School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham email: homepage:
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