19. Nepenthes inermis DANS., spec. nova.
Icones: Trop. Nat., XV, p. 204, ic. 10 (1927) asc. 2 ; nostra 10.
Folia mediocria sessilia, lamina spathulato-lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque c. 3, basi caulis partem 1/2-1/3 amplectente, vagina 0 ; ascidia rosularum et inferiora ignota ; ascidia superiora parva, parte inferiore tubulosa v. paulum ventricosa, supra medium ampla infundibuliformia, ore expanso, peristomio fere 0, operculo angustissime cuneato, facie inferiore plana ; inflorescentia racemus parvus pedicellis inferioribus 4-8 mm longis, omnibus 1-floris ; indumentum iuventute tenue adpressum, denique in ascidiis sub ore et in inflorescentiis permanens.
Stems climbing, the portion with adult leaves 3-5 mm thick, irregularly and obtusely triangular. Rosettes and lower part of the stem unknown. Leaves of the climbing stems thin-coriaceous, sessile, lanceolate-spathulate, 5 to 12 cm long, 1 to 2 1/2 cm broad, acute or obtuse, attenuate towards the base, without sheath, clasping the stem for 1/2 or 1/3 part ; pennate nerves irregularly reticulate, longitudinal ones mostly 3 on each side, originating from the leaf base, running parallel in the outer half of the lamina ; tendrils once to twice as
Fig. 10. Nepenthes inermis ; a. upper portion of a climbing stem, 1/2 x
(BÜNNEMEIJER 9695) ; b. male inflorescence, 1/2 x (BÜNNEMEIJER 5749)
; c. female inflorescence, 1/2 x (BÜNNEMEIJER 5522).
long as the leaf, the pitcher-bearing with curl or not. Pitchers of climbing stems originating gradually or abruptly from the hanging end of the tendril, incurved with a 10 to 20 mm wide curve, 5 to 9 cm high, tubulose or slightly infundibulate in the lower half, infundibulate in the upper half, without wings and with indistinct ribs, the mouth up to 5 cm wide, laterally compressed, horizontal ; peristome almost none, indicated as a rim about 1/5 mm broad ; inner surface of the pitcher wholly glandular, with minute, half-overarched glands, which make the outer surface minutely bullate, about 600 to 900 glands on 1 cm2 ; lid very narrowly cuneiform, up to 5 cm long, 0.3 to 0.4 cm broad close under the rounded tip, the under surface with many glands, which are round towards the margin, oblong near the midrib ; spur 3 to 4 mm long, not branched, inserted close to the lid. Male inflorescence a raceme, the peduncle 5 cm, the axis 12 cm long, slender, about 1 1/2 mm thick at the base, attenuate, the pedicels all of them 1-flowered, the lower ones with a small filiform bract above the base, the lower and middle ones about 8 mm long, the upper ones shorter, the uppermost ones 4 mm long. Tepals oblong-lanceolate, acute, about 3 mm long, 1 mm broad. Staminal column about 4 mm long, the 1-seriate anthers inclusive. Female inflorescence like the male one, but shorter, the axis and the peduncle both about 3 cm long. Ovary sessile. Fruit only known in the unripe state, less attenuate towards the base than towards the tip. Indumentum in the young parts rather dense, later deciduous in the vegetative parts, persisting on the stems above the axils, on the inflorescences and on the perigone, the ovary densely hairy. Colour of the pitchers in the living state green, sometimes striped with brown at the mouth rim, and with red-brown small spots on the lid ; colour of herbarium specimens blackish in all parts. (Description after the specimens mentioned beneath.)
SUMATRA. Res. Westcoast: Bt. Gombak, 2330 m, 16 XI 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 5747, H. B. (0), vern. name: galoe-galoe antoe ; 2300 m, 16 XI 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 5749, H. B. (0), H. L. B. (0), vern. name: galoe-galoe antoe ; G. Talang, 2590 m, 7 IX 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 5522, H. B. (m) ; G. Kerintji, 1800 m, 26 IV 1920, H. B. (0), vern. name: kandjong baroek.
This new species is easily distinguishable from all others by the peculiar pitchers without peristome and with very narrow lid. Probably it is most nearly related to N. Bongso. See also N. dubia and the general chapters. The elevation on which it has been found varies between 1800 and 2330 m.
The Minangkabau names galoe-galoe antoe and kandjong baroek are used also for other species ; the meaning of both is not clear to me.