21. Nepenthes Klossii RIDL., Transact. Linn. Soc., ser. 2, bot., IX, p. 140 (1916).
Icon: nostra 12.
Folia mediocria petiolata, lamina oblonga v. lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque c. 3, vagina ?; ascidia rosularum et inferiora ignota ; ascidia superiora magna, anguste infundibuliformia, costis 2 prominentibus ; peristomio operculum versus in collum breve elongato, applanato, 2-5 mm lato, costis c. 1/2-1/3 mm distantibus, dentibus fere 0 ; operculo suborbiculari basi cordato, facie inferiore prope basin appendice lateraliter applanata ; inflorescentia racemus pedicellis inferioribus c. 10 mm longis, 1- 3-floris ; indumentum villosum, e pilis stellatis brevibus, ramosis longioribus et simplicibus longissimis compositum.
Stems unknown. Rosettes and short shoots unknown.
Leaves of the climbing stems coriaceous, petiolate, the lamina
oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, abruptly contracted into the petiole, 18 to 25 cm
long, 6 1/2 to 9 cm broad, the petiole about 6 cm long, winged, the wings about
5 mm broad ; pennate nerves running straight to the margin, indistinct and
reticulate, longitudinal nerves about 3 on each side, originating from the
wings of the petiole, running parallel in the outer 1/3 or 1/4 of the lamina ;
tendril 1 to l l/2 x as long as the leaf, about 2 mm thick near the lamina, up
to 5 mm thick towards the pitcher, with curl. Pitchers (of the climbing
stems ?) abruptly originating from the hanging end of the pitcher, incurved
with a curve about 45 mm wide, narrowly infundibulate or tubulose towards the
mouth, about 20 cm high, 5 cm wide, with 2 prominent ribs over the whole length
; mouth oblique in front, elevated towards the lid, acute, but not elongated
into a neck ; peristome flattened, about 3 mm broad in front, about 5 mm
towards the lid, the ribs 1/3 to 2/3 mm apart, the interior
Fig. 12. Nepenthes Klossii ; leaf with pitcher of the type number, 3/4
margin almost entire ; inner surface of the pitcher glandular in the lower half, with minute, overarched glands ; the lid suborbicular, about 5 cm long and broad, slightly cordate at the base, on the lower surface in the basal part of the midrib with a laterally flattened, obtuse appendage about 8 mm long, wholly glandular (also the appendage) with numerous larger and smaller, deepened and rimmed glands ; spur not branched, ascending from the back rib of the pitcher at about 20 mm from the lid, attenuate. Female inflorescence only known in fruiting state, a raceme, the peduncle 18 cm, the axis 14 cm long, the pedicels 10 mm long, 1- to 3-flowered. Tepals oblong, obtuse, 3 mm long, 1 mm broad. Fruit 15 mm long, distinctly attenuate towards the base, indistinctly so towards the tip. Indumentum none on the leaves above, dense beneath, composed of short spreading stellate hairs, longer branched, and still longer unbranched hairs ; tendril and pitcher hairy like the leaf beneath, but less dense ; spur very densely and shortly hairy, the tepals outside and the fruit with spreading hairs. Colour of herbarium specimens yellowish, the lid deep-purple in the living state, unknown for the rest, the inner surface of the pitcher bluish and pruinose in the glandless part. (Description after RIDLEY. l.c., completed with the pitcher-bearing leaf in H.B.)
NEW GUINEA. Southwestern part: Wollaston Expedition, Camps VIa & VIb, 930-1170 m (Transact. Linn. Soc., ser. 2, bot., IX, p. 141) ; Camp. VIb, 26 I 1913, KLOSS, H. S. (0).
This insufficiently described species seems to be closely related to N. stenophylla, but I dare not unite these two. The leaf in H. S. shows, that RIDLEY has described the underside of the leaf as the upper surface and reciprocally.