35. Nepenthes pectinata DANS., spec. nova,
Icon: nostra 17.
Folia mediocria sessilia, lamina lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque 3-6, basi rotundata semiamplexicali, vagina 0 ; ascidia rosularum (elongatarum) magnitudine mediocria, breviter ovato-ellipsoidea, alis 2 fimbriatis ; peristomio operculum versus elevato in collum breve elongato, applanato, ad 5 mm lato, costis 3/4-2 mm distantibus, dentibus 3-6 x longioribus quam latis ; operculo cordato-ovato, facie inferiore plano ; ascidia inferiora et superiora maiora, parte inferiore anguste ovata, os versus cylindrica, alis 2 fimbriatis ; peristomio operculum versus acuminato in collum breve elongato, applanato, antice 1-5 mm, postice 6-12 mm lato, costis 1/2-3 mm distantibus, dentibus 3-6 x longioribus quam latis ; operculo cordato-ovato, facie inferiore plano ; inflorescentia racemus magnus pedicellis inferioribus 12-16 mm longis, superioribus brevioribus, fere omnibus 2-floris ; indumentum stellatum, in partibus vegetativis plerumque 0 raro subdensum, in inflorescentiis densum adpressum.
Stems climbing, the part with adult leaves 3 to 9 mm thick, cylindrical
or obtusely trigonous, the internodes 3 to 13 cm long ; at the base of older
plants often short shoots and rosettes with elongated axis. Leaves of the
(elongated) rosettes very small, sessile, 1 to 3 cm long, oblong to
lanceolate, acute, broad and almost sheathy at the base, clasping 3/4 to 2/3 of
the stem ; nervation indistinct, the tendril about as long as the pitcher.
Leaves of the short shoots forming a transition series between those of
the rosettes and those of climbing stems. Leaves of the climbing stems
thin-coriaceous, scattered, sessile, lanceolate, 13 to 26 cm long, 3 to 6 cm
broad, usually acute, attenuate towards the base, the base broader than the
stem, rounded, semiamplexicaul, rarely up to l l/2 cm decurrent ; pennate
nerves often indistinct, running obliquely towards the margin, irregularly
reticulate, longitudinal nerves very distinct, 3 to 6 on each side, originating
mostly from the leaf base, running parallel in the outer 2/3 to 4/5 of the
lamina ; tendril 1 to l 1/2 x as long as the leaf, with or without curl.
Pitchers of the (elongated) rosettes shortly incurved from the
tendril, short-ellipsoidal, the well developed ones about 8 cm high, 4 cm wide,
with 2 fringed wings over the whole length, the wings 3 to 5 mm broad, the
fringe segments 4 to 8 mm long, 1 to 2 mm apart, filiform ; mouth very oblique,
incurved towards the lid, almost vertical near the lid and elongated into a
short neck ; peristome flattened, up to 5 mm broad the ribs 34 to 2 mm apart,
Fig. 17. Nepenthes pectinata ; a. upper portion of a stem with male
inflorescence, 1/2 x (BÜNNEMEIJER 763a) ; b. female inflorescence of the
same number, 1/2 x ; c. pitcher of a climbing stem, 1/2 x (BÜNNEMEIJER
3897) ; d. rosette pitcher, 1/2 x (BÜNNEMEIJER 700 bis).
the teeth of the interior margin 3 to 6 times as long as broad ; inner surface of the pitcher glandular for more than 4/5 of its length, the glands hardly overarched, about 400 to 500 on 1 cm2 ; lid ovate-cordate, 2 1/2 to 3 cm long, 2 to 2 1/2 cm broad, rounded, rather deeply cordate at the base, the lower surface without appendages, with few rather large deepened and rimmed glands ; spur inserted close to the lid, 1 to 2 cm long, flattened, acute. Lower and upper pitchers almost the same, incurved from the hanging end of the tendril with a curve 5 to 10 mm wide, narrowly ovate in the lower 2/5 part, cylindrical for the rest, 11 to 20 cm high, 3 to 4 cm wide in the lower part, 2 to 3 1/2 cm in the upper part, with 2 fringed wings over the entire length, the wings 4 to 8 mm broad, the fringe segments 5 to 10 mm long, 1 to 2 mm apart ; mouth very oblique, almost vertical near the lid, usually elongated into a short neck ; peristome flattened, 1 to 5 mm broad in front, 6 to 12 mm near the lid, the ribs 1/2 to 3 mm apart, the teeth of the interior margin 3 to 6 times as long as broad ; inner surface of the pitcher glandular in the lower 2/5 part, the glands overarched, about 200 to 400 on 1 cm2 ; lid orbicular-ovate, rounded, rather deeply cordate, 3 1/2 to 5 cm long, 3 to 5 cm broad, the lower surface with many large, deepened and rimmed glands, especially towards the basal part of the midrib, which is sometimes slightly obtusely keeled ; spur inserted close to the lid, flattened, at the tip as broad as the base, 3 to 5 mm long. Male inflorescence a raceme, the peduncle 14 to 27 cm long, 3 to 4 mm thick at the top, the axis 20 to 37 cm long, very angular and grooved, attenuate ; lower pedicels 12 to 16 mm long, the upper ones little shorter, nearly all of them 2-flowered, with a filiform bract above the base. Tepals orbicular-elliptical, 4 to 5 mm long. Staminal column about 6 mm long, the anthers included, which are situated in 1 whorl and an apical group. Female inflorescence in the main like the male one, but the peduncle longer, 22 to 33 cm long, the axis 10 to 23 cm long, the pedicels coarser. Tepals oblong. Ovary attenuate at the base into a pedicel 1/2 to 1 1/2 mm long. Fruit 25 to 35 mm long, gradually attenuate towards both ends, cylindrical at the base, almost pedicelled, the valves 3 to 3 1/2 mm broad. Seeds filiform, not known for the rest. Indumentum almost none on the stems and the leaves, rather dense on the pitchers when young, composed of short stellate hairs, deciduous, rarely persistent ; inflorescences densely appressedly hairy, especially towards the perigones, the axis with rather long, the pedicels and tepals with very short stellate hairs, staminal column rather densely but very shortly hairy ; ovary sparingly hairy in the youth, soon glabrous. Colour of the pitchers green with much violet and red-brown, especially outside, the rosette pitchers more coloured than the upper ones ; lid less red than the pitcher, especially on the lower surface. Colour of herbarium specimens dark-brown to blackish, the leaves beneath and the pitchers more reddish. (Description after the under mentioned specimens.)
SUMATRA. Res. Westcoast: G. Malintang, 2100 m, 29 VIII 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 4114, H. B. (0) ; 4115, H. B. (0) ; 1900 m, 24 VII 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 3897, H. B. (0) ; G. Talakmau, 1300 m, 17 V 1917, BÜNNEMEIJER 763a, H. B. (m, f), also on alcohol, H. L. B. (m) ; 1850 m, 13 V 1917, BÜNNEMEIJER 700 bis, H. B. (0), H. L. B. (0) ; 2050 m, 14 V 1917, BÜNNEMEIJER 747, H. B. (f), also on alcohol ; 2700 m, 25 V 1917, BÜNNEMEIJER 854, H. B. (m, f), H. L. B. (m) ; 938 bis, H. B. (0) ; G. Marapi, 2500 m, 30 VII 1894, SCHIFFNER, Iter indicum 1991, H.U.V.; G. Sago, 2000 m, 26 VII 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 4028, H. B. (0) ; G. Singgalang, summit, 2750 m, 25 VII 1894, SCHIFFNER, Iter indicum 1990, H.U.V.; G. Kerintji, 2200 m, 7 V 1920, BÜNNEMEIJER 10271, H. B. (0).
This new species has already been collected on the summits of 6 high mountains in Central Sumatra. It is closely related to N. gymnamphora and almost not distinguishable from this species, when pitchers are not extant. Therefore it is remarkable, that between N. pectinata and N. gymnamphora, though often growing intermingled, intermediate forms have not been found, whereas the other species of the relationship of N. gymnamphora are often connected by intermediates. (See under N. Bongso x pectinata and N. pectinata x singalana and the general chapters.)
The elevation on which N. pectinata has been found varies between 1300 and 2750 m, so it is a real mountain plant and this is a handicap for its dispersion.
? Nepenthes pectinata x singalana.
SUMATRA. Res. Westcoast: G. Malintang, 2000 m, 29 VII 1918, BÜNNEMEIJER 4113, H. B. (m, f), vern. name: koeran-koeran (coal-pans).
The above plant reminds in the first place of N. pectinata by its peristome, but the smaller pitchers and their shape, the more rounded lids, the much smaller leaves and especially the small, seemingly lateral inflorescences remind of N. singalana. As both supposed parent species grow on the G. Malintang, this plant may be a hybrid. For certainty in this matter, however, the knowledge of the wild Nepenthes is still too insufficient.