36. Nepenthes pilosa DANS., spec. nova.
Icon: nostra 19.
Folia mediocria petiolata, lamina lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque 4-5, vagina caulem fere totum amplectente ; ascidia rosularum ignota ; ascidia inferiora mediocria, in parte inferiore oviformia, os versus cylindrica, costis 2 prominentibus ad os appendicibus 2 ramosis ; peristomio operculum versus acuto, applanato, 4-7 mm lato, costis dentibusque 1/3-1/4 mm distantibus, dentibus vix longioribus quam latis ; operculo suborbiculari subcordato, facie inferiore pilis parcis patentibus, prope basin carinato ; ascidia superiora, magna, ample infundibuliformia, costis 2 paulum prominentibus, peristomio in collum distinctum elongato, applanato, c. 12 mm lato, costis c. 1/3 mm distantibus, dentibus brevissimis, operculo orbiculari subcordato, facie inferiore pilis parcis patentibus et prope basin appendice lateraliter applanato ; inflorescentia ignota ; indumentum in omnibus partibus longe villosum, foliorum pagina superiore excepta.
Stems climbing, the part with adult leaves cylindrical, 6 to 9 mm thick,
the internodes 4 1/2 to 7 cm long ; short shoots known, rosettes
unknown. Leaves of the short shoots scattered, thin-coriaceous,
petiolate, the lamina obovate-lanceolate, 10 to 15 cm long, 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 cm
broad, broadest at 1/5 to 1/3 the length from the apex, rounded or shortly
acuminate, gradually cuneate, attenuate towards the base, rather abruptly
forming the petiole, the latter 2 1/2 to 3 cm long, 3 to 4 mm thick,
canaliculate, not winged, forming a laterally flattened wholly amplexicaul
sheath at its base ; pennate nerves indistinct, running almost straight to the
margin, irregularly reticulate, longitudinal nerves more distinct, 4 or 5 on
each side, originating from the lower part of the midrib on different heights,
running parallel over the greatest part of their length in the outer half of
the lamina ; tendril 1 1/2 to 2 times as long as the lamina, curved. Leaves
of the climbing stems scattered, coriaceous, petiolate, the lamina
lanceolate, 20 to 30 cm long, 6 to 7 1/2 cm broad, the lateral margins parallel
over the greater part of the length, rather abruptly acuminate towards the
somewhat peltate apex, abruptly attenuate into the petiole, the petiole about 6
mm thick, triangular, narrowly winged, the base decurrent into an almost wholly
amplexicaul sheath, formed by 2 opposite wings 2 to 2 1/2 cm long, abruptly
ending with rounded base ; pennate nerves indistinct and irregularly
reticulate, longitudinal nerves 4 on each side, originating from the lower half
of the midrib, hardly distinguishable from the pennate nerves in the basal
part, running parallel in the outer 1/3 part of the lamina ; tendril about l
l/2 x as long as the lamina. Pitchers of the short shoots ovate in the
lower part, cylindrical towards the mouth, about 10 cm high, 3 to 4 cm wide in
the lower part, 2 1/2 to 3 cm under the mouth, not winged but with 2 prominent
ribs which bear a branched wing rest close under the peristome ; mouth oblique,
incurved and acute towards the lid ; peristome flattened, 4 to 5 mm broad in
front, up to 7 mm broad towards the lid, the ribs about 1/3 to 1/4 mm apart,
the teeth of the interior margin hardly longer than broad, inner surface of the
pitcher glandular in the ventricose part, the glands overarched, 600 to 700 on
1 cm2 ; lid almost orbicular, subcordate, about 2 1/2 cm long and
broad, flat, but the lower surface obtusely keeled in the basal part of the
midrib, with scattered round rimmed glands, which are smaller and more numerous
towards the margin, larger and less numerous towards the keel ; spur
insufficiently known. Pitchers of the climbing stems gradually
originating from the hanging end of the tendril, with a curve 15 to 20 mm wide,
widely infundibuliform, about 18 cm high, 8 cm wide below the mouth, with 2
prominent ribs ;
Fig. 19. Nepenthes pilosa ; a. upper leaf with pitcher, 1/2 x (AMDJAH
491) ; b. leaf of a short shoot with pitcher, 1/2 x (AMDJAH 499).
mouth almost horizontal in front, incurved and prolongated into a neck 2 to 3 cm long ; peristome flattened, about 12 mm broad on all sides, somewhat broader near the lid, the ribs about 1/3 mm apart, the teeth of the interior margin about as long as broad ; inner surface of the pitcher almost wholly glandular, with minute overarched glands, about 2000 to 2500 on 1 cm2, only a glandless triangle under the lid ; lid suborbicular, rather deeply cordate, about 7 cm long and somewhat broader, with numerous small round glands over the whole lower surface, the midrib elevated to a laterally-flattened, claw-shaped appendage. Inflorescence &c. unknown. Indumentum on nearly all parts long, spreading, reddish brown, hirsute, dense on the young parts and on the lower surface of the leaves when adult, on the other adult parts less dense, forming a ciliate border along the leaf margin, on the upper surface of the leaves absent from the beginning. Colour of herbarium specimens reddish brown on the lower surface of the leaves and on the stems, fallow on the upper surface of the leaves.
BORNEO. Southern & Eastern Division: Bt. Batoe Lesoeng, 28 I 1899, AMDJAH (Exp. NIEUWENHUIS) 491 (type) & 499, H. B. (0) ; very doubtful: Bt. Batoe Tiban, 1700 m, X-XII 1925, MJÖBERG 46, H. B. (m).
This species, based on the number AMDJAH 491, seems to be closely related to N. Burbidgeae. The number AMDJAH 499 is collected on the same day and on the same mountain and is certainly the same species. The specimen of MJÖBERG is very doubtful. It is only one leaf with upper pitcher, and an inflorescence not certainly belonging to the same plant ; the pitcher is not congruent with that of number AMDJAH 491 and this is the reason I have not completed the description with that of the male inflorescence.