46. Nepenthes tomoriana DANS., spec. nova.
Icon: nostra 24.
Folia mediocria sessilia v. subpetiolata, lamina lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque 4-5, basi attenuata caulem semiamplectente ; ascidia rosularum et inferiora ignota ; ascidia superiora e basi infundibuliformi parte inferiore leviter ventricosa, medio paulum angustata, os versus leviter dilatato, costis 2 prominentibus, peristomio operculum versus vix acuto, vix
elevato, cylindrico, 1/2-1 1/2 mm lato, costis 1/4-1/3 mm distantibus, dentibus
brevissimis ; operculo orbiculari facie inferiore plana ; inflorescentia
panicula ramis inferioribus 2 1/2-3 1/2 cm longis, 4-5-floris ;
indumentum in ascidiis iuvenilibus et in perigonio tomentosum, ceterum
parcissimum v. 0.
Fig. 24. Nepenthes tomoriana, 1/2 x (RACHMAT 645).
Stems climbing, the part with adult leaves cylindrical, 3 1/2 to 5 mm thick ; short shoots and rosettes unknown. Leaves of the climbing stems scattered, sessile or indistinctly petioled, lanceolate, 10 to 20 cm long, 2 to 4 cm broad, subobtuse, broadest near or somewhat above the middle, attenuate towards the base, the base not dilated, semiamplexicaul without sheath, not decurrent ; pennate nerves originating very obliquely from the midrib, bending towards the margin; longitudinal nerves 3 to 5 on each side, originating from the midrib at very different heights, the outermost ones ending not far beyond the origin of inner ones ; tendrils about 1 1/2 times as long as the leaf, 3/4 to 1 mm thick near the lamina, up to 2 mm thick towards the pitcher, the pitcher-bearing ones always with curl. Pitchers of the climbing stems gradually originating from the hanging end of the tendril, incurved with a curve 8 to 11 mm wide, infundibuliform at the base, slightly ventricose at 1/3 of its height, first somewhat narrowed, then dilated towards the mouth, 9 to 13 cm high, 2 to 3 cm wide in the ventricose part, with 2 prominent ribs over the whole length ; mouth little oblique, slightly incurved and acuminate towards the lid ; peristome cylindrical, 1/2 to 1 mm broad in front, 1 to 1 1/2 mm near the lid, the ribs distinct, 1/3 to 1/4 mm apart ; teeth of the inner margin very short ; inner surface glandular in the lower 2/5 part, with deepened but not overarched glands, about 400 to 500 glands on 1 cm2 ; lid orbicular, slightly cordate, 2 1/2 to 3 cm long and broad, the lower surface without appendages, with round deepened but hardly rimmed glands the marginal part excepted ; spur about 2 mm long, flattened, not branched or only slightly incised. Male inflorescence a narrow panicle, the peduncle 6 to 9 cm long, cylindrical, 2 1/2 to 3 mm thick the axis attenuate and more angular towards the tip, 25 to 35 cm long, the lower branches 2 l/2 to 3 l/2 cm long, on the average 1 cm apart, partly with a filiform bract below the lowermost flower, 4- to 5-flowered, the upper branches gradually less-flowered, the uppermost ones 2-flowered, about 1 cm long ; pedicels 6 to 12 mm long. Tepals orbicular-elliptical, about 4 mm long. Staminal column about 4 mm long, the 1-seriate anthers included. Female inflorescence &c. unknown. Indumentum of the stems and leaves almost none from the beginning, the tendrils slightly appressedly brown-tomentose when young, soon glabrous, the axis of the panicle sparsely hairy in the lower part, more hairy towards the tip, the branches and pedicels rather densely hairy, the tepals shortly brown-tomentose outside, the inner side and the staminal column wholly glabrous. Colour of herbarium specimens: the lower surface of the leaves red-brownish, the pitchers with distinct spots in the upper 3/5 part, all other parts fallow.
SELÉBÈS. Gov. Selébès and Dependencies: G. Kolonodale (On the Gulf of Tomori), IX 1913, RACHMAT (Exp. VAN VUUREN) 645, H. B. (m), also on alcohol, type.
This plant, found only once in Selébès, is most nearly related to N. destillatoria of Ceylon and N. neoguineensis of New Guinea. The specific distinction from both is doubtful, but it seemed not advisible to unite all these plants under one specific name. This is the reason I keep the Selébès plant apart both from the Ceylon and the New Guinea species. N. tomoriana differs from N. destillatoria principally by the less distinctly petioled leaves, the more irregular nervation of the lamina, the shorter and less remote branches of the panicle, the less abundant and brownish indumentum. From N. neoguineensis it differs by the thicker-coriaceous leaves, the larger number of longitudinal nerves, the more shortly incurved, not winged upper pitchers.