New Nepenthes species

From: Fernando Rivadavia-Lopes (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2000 - 12:26:39 PST

Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 18:26:39 -0200
From: "Fernando Rivadavia-Lopes" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg63$foo@default>
Subject: New Nepenthes species

To all,

            I'm sure all the Nep freaks must know about this one, but here
it goes. I've just received from my friend Charles Clarke a paper of his on
a new species of _Nepenthes_ from Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia. It was
published in Sandakania 13 (1999): 79-87. The title is: "_Nepenthes
benstonei_ (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant from Peninsular Malaysia".
Apparently these plants from Peninsular Malaysia were previously refered to
as N.sanguinea and may also be confused with N.macrovulgaris. A few of the
differences are that _N.benstonei_ may have multiple inflorescences, has
terete stems, hairs on leaf upper surfaces, persistent branched red hairs on
leaf margins on rosettes and short shoots, and the list continues. There are
no drawings, but some nice pics (one in color even). In the
acknowledgements, Charles cites my friend Bruce Salmon from New Zealand (Hi
Bruce!) as having provided photos and info on the type location, Bukit
Bakar. Hey! Bruce and I found this place together during our week-long trip
in the area in mid 1997! That was the first time I saw wild Neps. We didn't
find many species on that trip, in fact it took us a LOOOONG time to find
any Neps at all. The first CP we saw was actually _U.caerulea_. Anyways,
_N.sanguinea_ -- now _N.benstonei_ -- was the first and most common Nep
species we saw in Peninsular Malaysia, if I remember well. The lower
pitchers were especially colorful and some very large too. A real beauty!

        Congratulations to Charles!!!!!

Best Wishes,

Fernando Rivadavia
Sao Paulo, Brazil

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