Re: P. macroceras nortensis

Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 11:30:14 PST

Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 14:30:14 EST
Message-Id: <aabcdefg393$foo@default>
Subject: Re: P. macroceras nortensis

I found Ivan's and Juerg's comments on this butterwort interesting. On one of
my trips up to Del Norte County in late summer of 1998, with a group of CP
enthusiasts from the Bay Area, I pointed out large flies and carpenter ants
caught in the leaves of the plants. There were several, and it was quite
amazing. Some folks took photos but I have never seen them and don't know if
they came out. The scene was so impressive I suggested that the photos might
make it to the cover of the CPN. In my book The Savage Garden, I mention
baby praying mantis being caught on our greenhouse P. moranensis. I think
the glue on butterworts is very strong, and positioned correctly (or
incorrectly in the eyes of a bug!) pretty large victims can be overwhelmed.
              Peter at California Carnivores

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