N. carunculata/talangensis

From: Doug Barrett and Laura Ratti (dougnlaura@earthlink.net)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 10:37:01 PST

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 10:37:01 -0800
From: Doug Barrett and Laura Ratti <dougnlaura@earthlink.net>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg499$foo@default>
Subject: N. carunculata/talangensis

I have some questions about these species too. I bought a plant in 94
labeled as N. carunculata from Gunung Talang from A. Wistuba. This
plant does not look like pictures of N. talangensis that I have seen but
does look somewhat like the pictures of the natural hybrid N.
talangensis x inermis that appear in one of the 95 CPN issues. I have
not seen any more references to N. carunculata from G. Talang but I
often do see N. bongo (N. talangensis) listed from there.
 It appears from what I have read that N. bongso and N. carunculata are
same and N. talangensis is different. The plant that I have is also an
easy grower leading me to think that it is a hybrid. The pitchers are
washed out with minimal red streaking but do have the shape of N.
talangensis. I have cut back the plant so I have not seen any upper
pitchers. Does anyone else grow this particular clone or have any
opinions? I have also often wondered what the source of these TC plants
is. It seems like most if not all are from seed and some are from seed
from cultivated plants while some are from seed collected from the wild.
These wild collected seeds could easily have resulted from
hybridization. By the way, this is not a criticism of TC plants. It is
my preferred source of plants.

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