
From: Chris Teichreb (cjteichr@sfu.ca)
Date: Sun Mar 05 2000 - 15:27:21 PST

Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 15:27:21 -0800
From: Chris Teichreb <cjteichr@sfu.ca>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg625$foo@default>
Subject: Webpage

Hi everyone,

        I just put up a webpage with a few pictures from my collection,
growing information, etc. Check it out at:

        Feel free to pass along any comments, etc. I did the coding in a
text editor and am using Netscape Nav. 4.05 at 800 x 600 resolution, so I'm
not sure what it'll look like on IE or other browsers (but let me know!).

Happy growing,


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