To Bruce Dudley & Gilles Lardy, re: squirrels and killing animals

From: Strata, Inc. (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 07:06:14 PST

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 09:06:14 -0600
From: "Strata, Inc." <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg826$foo@default>
Subject: To Bruce Dudley & Gilles Lardy, re: squirrels and killing animals

Mr. Lardy, your comment of "killing squirrels is a common and
enjoyed sport in the US" shows a bias against hunting, an aversion
to the common-sense practice of getting rid of animals harmful to
one's crops and other property, and an anti-American bias in
general. I sense a position that animals have rights, as humans do,
and that the animals "rights" overide human ones.

Here in the Texas countryside it is common (and sensible) practice
to shoot feral cats, dogs, and coyotes which kill farm animals and
pose a health hazard to other animals and humans. There is an
annual State-sponsored coyote bounty to control their population.
Hunting for game is a long tradition which satisfies the primal urge
and satisfaction of killing one's food; I know, you were under the
impression that meat comes from super-markets, wrapped in clear
plastic! If you eat meat, or use any animal products (like leather
shoes), I submit that it is hypocritical to let someone else do your
killing for you while you enjoy the products of that killing.

While I support no unnecessary cruelty to animals, I do espouse the
view that animals have no rights whatsoever, and that the property
and livelihood rights of humans overide any concern for animals'
well-being! Try telling a huge charging Grizzly about your love for
animals when facing him in the woods: you kill him or he kills you
(yes I have as much a right to be in the woods as he!). In
addition, squirrel-control is ON the CP subject as squirrels can
destroy one's CPs.

By the way, squirrel stew is delicious!!,..


Michael Pagoulatos

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