more strata

From: Sylvia De Rooy (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 06:05:21 PST

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 00 07:05:21 -0700
From: Sylvia De Rooy <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg886$foo@default>
Subject: more strata

I am sorry not to let this go but since Michael is hurling about
accusations of harrassment I thought the list should see some of what
myself and Bruce have been subjected to:

When I turned Michael down (on posting to the discussion) here is what I
>Just what I thought: a typical liberal, all fuzzy-feelings and no facts!
>HA, HA, HA, HA!!..
>You are pathetic!..
When I then told him to deal with his anger elsewhere he said:
>Subject: Come to the board and support your arguments baby...
>Sent: 3/24/20 7:23 PM
>Received: 3/26/00 8:13 AM
>From: Strata, Inc.,
>To: Sylvia De Rooy,
>....but you don't have any, do you?!?! You are intellectually unarmed,
>Sylvia! I am not angry;
>you are! I am having fun! I have a bunch of E-mails from people who are
>waiting to whip your butt (verbally!) on the board! COME ON baby!
Below is what he sent to Bruce:
>You are delussional, Bruce! YOU are the coward. But like a typical
>liberal, you have no arguments that you can support with facts! Only fuzzy
>I set up the debate on a public forum (to let the listserv free for CP
>postings only), where you can present your side. I even deleted your E-mail
>addresses to protect your privacy. WHERE ARE YOU? Are you too lost for
>words to come to the board and present your case?!?!
>You are pathetic....
I would, privately, like to hear from the many people that Michael claims
emailed him.

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