Donations and lilies

Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 06:38:56 PDT

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:38:56 EDT
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1137$foo@default>
Subject: Donations and lilies

Hello to All,
   Two topics in this writing: First, my freshman Biology classes have
   just put in a small bog on our campus (used a pre-formed 'pond',
   filled with the appropriate mix of sand and peat - pretty simple
   system). What we now need are living specimens! Is there anyone out
   there willing to donate a few extra plants to our project? We are
   located just south of Atlanta, GA and would prefer Sarrs, Droseras
   and VFTs (we want to showcase and be able to study those species
   native to the southeast US). Anyway, if you have some extras and
   would like to contribute to the education of our youth, please email
   me privately at either: , or ,
     Second, our class had a short 'debate' on whether or not the
     African waterlily (dont' have scientific name) could be considered
     a CP. It must capture an insect the first day its flower opens (a
     small pool of liquid secretions develops in the center of the
     flower). After capture, the stamens close around the pool and
     allow other pollinators to do their job. The class really didn't
     reach a consensus, but most felt that it should be considered
     carnivorous - even if just for one day a year. Any comments?


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