Re:Bog plantings and Sarracenia flowers

From: John Green (
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 07:08:58 PDT

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 08:08:58 -0600
From: "John Green" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1139$foo@default>
Subject: Re:Bog plantings and Sarracenia flowers

> From: "Doug Barrett and Laura Ratti" <>
> Hi all. I just completed a backyard bog and would like some
> on what level of "wetness" the different Sarracinia species prefer.

I had the same question a couple months ago. Andrew Marshall was kind
enough to respond with the following information:

S. leucophylla - drier
S. flava - drier
S. alata - intermediate to drier
S. purpurea ssp. purpurea - wet to intermediate
S. oreophila - dry

Also, Carl Mazur's web site says that S. minor and S. rubra grow in
drier areas, while the Okee Giant form of S. minor, S. psittacina and S.
purpurea ssp. venosa grow in the wetter areas.

Also, Renee Gaillard <> asked about whether to
leave Sarr flowers on the plant. Personally, I agree with those who
said to let them bloom. I don't know if the plants grow better without
them (I doubt it), but I find the flowers absolutely beautiful and look
forward to them. If you don't want seed remove the flowers after they

John Green
Salt Lake City, Utah

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