Bog container water table

From: Miguel de Salas (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 16:32:43 PDT

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 09:32:43 +1000
From: Miguel de Salas <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1789$foo@default>
Subject: Bog container water table

I've recently bought a couple of containers (crates) that measure 2 ft high
x 2.5 ft long x 2 ft wide, made of tough (3-4mm), black polyethylene. They
were much cheaper than purpose built containers, and I'm going to use one
of them to create an outdoor (verandah) portable bog.

The question is: I'll have to drill holes in the side at a certain depth
below the edge to keep the water table at that level or below. Considering
some plants like it drier and others wetter, which I can provide for by
raising or lowering the surface in mounds, what depth below the container's
edge should I drill the holes at? I'll be using a pvc tube positioned
vertically in a corner to check the water level and to water, and I'll be
using a 2/3 peat, 1/3 sand mix.

Any comments on what water table depths other people have used successfully
in the past?

Thank you!

Miguel de Salas

 School of Plant Science,
 University of Tasmania,
 PO Box 252-55, Sandy Bay, Hobart
 Tasmania, Australia, 7001.


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