Re: Sultry Maid v Mardi Gras

Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 10:29:44 PDT

Date:          Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:29:44 
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2254$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: Sultry Maid v Mardi Gras

Dear Nigel (& possibly al. lurking),

> Was Sultry Maid ever published, for example in a nursery catalog?

It was published in Peter D'Amato's book.

> If so, aren't there precedence rules as there are with species
> names?

The rules are different because this is a cultivar and not a species,
so the ICNCP applies.

The particular plant concerned here was not bred by the person who
first published anything about it. I do not know if the plant has
been distributed generally. If the plant is not generally available,
the originator's consent is required for establishing a cultivar name
for it. Since this consent is apparently missing (it was last time I
asked), the name is not established. A cultivar name that is not
established cannot be registered. Thus, the whole discussion about
the most decent name for this plant is at the moment not more than
hot air and perhaps wishful thinking.

I have contacted both the (inofficial) nominant and the originator,
and both are supposedly (hopefully) trying to find a solution. But
nothing that would warrant a public discussion has emerged yet.

Kind regards
ICPS, International Registrar

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