Re: Bog Gardens

From: John Green (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 19:31:06 PDT

Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 20:31:06 -0600
From: John Green <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2879$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Bog Gardens writes

>I live in New Jersey (zone 6) and I would like to know what species I can
>put in my bog. I would like to plant as many Sarracenia as possible but
>I am unable to plant all the species due to the winters here. Although I
>think that S. leucophyla and S. alata are out of the question, can I plant
>S. minor, Parrot Pitchers, S. flava, S. rubra and S. oreophila? I plan on
>covering the bog in winter by placing a sheet of burlap on top and covering

>this with leaves. Will this extra protection let me plant pitcher plants
>that are native to Georgia? What types of Butterworts can I plant, (P.
>lutea?) Can all types of Sarracenia be planted if I give the plants frost
>protection in winter? Thanks

I'm in Salt Lake City (zone 5a, Winter Olympics and all...) and I'm planning
on leaving flavas, purpurea venosa, purp venosa x alata, rubra rubra, rubra
gulfensis, and even a large multi-crown leuco outside in my bog this winter.
In fact, the only things I'm considering bringing in are an "antho-free"
gulfensis and rubra alabamensis, mainly because they'd be difficult to
replace. In the past, I've only grown oreophila outside all winter, but
from what I've heard, Sarrs are much more cold hardy than they are given
credit for. Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe I'll be replacing a bunch of plants
next Spring, but I'm pretty confident that my plants will manage just fine.
As for mulching it, I'll be using about 6 inches of pine needles. Leaves
may not breathe very well (and may harbor pests), so if you can find pine
needles, I think that would work better. I think the burlap would go best
on top, too, which will keep the mulch from blowing away and the mulch can
fill in around the plants better. The main idea is to keep the plants from
repeated thawing and re-freezing, and provide protection from drying winds.
I'll let everyone know how my plants did next Spring.

John Green
Salt Lake City, Utah

"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not
trying." -- Michael Jordan

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