CPs and spouses

From: Barry Meyers-Rice (bamrice@ucdavis.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 26 2000 - 10:13:05 PST

Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 10:13:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Barry Meyers-Rice <bamrice@ucdavis.edu>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg3721$foo@default>
Subject: CPs and spouses

Hey folks,

I've been reading the messages about carnivorous plants and spouses with a
great big grin on my face.

Let me give you a word of warning about Chris Teichreb's DANGEROUS

>Fourth, invite your significant other over to a fellow cp'ers place
>preferably a bachelor. These friends rarely care about the copious
>algae growing in the trays, the pile of empty containers stuffed
>under the bench, the empty pie trays turned into water saucers, etc.
>Once your spouse sees this, they'll surely be happy that you're
>somewhat neater.

Very dangerous approach this... It is all too easy for your mate to
extrapolate from your present collection to your bachelor-buddy's mess.
Example: A friend of mine raised endangered turtles (with appropriate
permits) and when any died he'd store the bodies in the freezer until they
could be examined by a veterinarian. When I told my wife about this, she
suddenly started disliking my baggied pots of hibernating Pings and
Drosera hibernacula in the fridge! Backfire!

Years have passed, my wife has become a "former". I have a new girlfriend,
that many of you might have met at the ICPS conference. Life is much
easier since Beth is something of a CP enthusiast. In fact, she even does
some illustration work for CPN, and enjoys doing mucky fieldwork in
Darlingtonia and Utricularia sites. For a romantic winter project, we're
building a two tiered shelf to house two 60 gallon terraria in our living
room. I'm living the easy life now!



P.S. Great holiday poem, Hans!

Dr. Barry A. Meyers-Rice
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter
Conservation Coeditor

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