Re: CP

John Taylor [The Banshee] (
Fri, 10 Apr 92 22:34:11 +0000

>The Pinguicula esseriana is an interesting one. It forms small pale
>whitish-green-grey rosettes (1/2" dia) with slightly cup-shaped leaves,
>that look remarkably like the "hen-and-chicks plant". According to Peter,
>the succulent leaves are very easy rooters, putting up new growth at the
>base of the severed leaf. I'm looking forward to getting a colony of these
>things going.

Hmm, sounds like our "species nova #4", (bought as something else...). Let
me know what the flowers look like when/if it does. Ours only produce 1 per
rosette just before they enter dormancy.

BTW, in case I haven't mentioned it before, the D. intermedia "Cuba"
seedlings have just produced their first flowers - very promising.
Hopefully they will survive the winter and continue to increase in size.