Re: D. Adelae Question

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Fri, 15 Jan 93 16:45:41 GMT

>>Now down to business: I have a D Adelae that is flowering. Will it self
>>pollinate and set seed automatically, or does it need some help? I know
>>it's easier to propagate this species by leaf or root cuttings, but it
>>would be nice to have seed, too. So what's the word on this?
I thought I recall that this species doesn't set seed ???

Heck if I know. This response is really just a lead in for my
next story:

A while back I got some D. schizandra via a trade. It grew
quickly in my indoor terrarium, but then started putting up deformed
leaves, and it began looking unhappy. After a month or more of
playing with different watering schedules to no effect, I looked
closely at the plant and noticed bloated green bugs sucking the
juice out of the plants. So I hit the plants with some diazanon.
I can now assert that a 1/2 STR spray of diazanon doesn't kill
D. schizandra either, although of course you shouldn't use oil
based Diaz. The plant did look a little dried out for a couple
of days, but with the bugs gone the plant is coming back. What's
more interesting is this: I have my plant in peatmoss, with a top
dressing of live spahgnum, in a clear plastic cup. What's neat
is that the roots are hitting the edge of the cup and moving up
above the soil, where they bud into plants. I now have about 3
leeeeetle plants, each about the size of a pin head, growing. I
hope the bugs don't get them. I'm indepted to Thomas Johnston
for explaining this method of propagating this species. It's
much faster and more reliable than the leaf cutting method.
