>Subject: Prof.Kondo
>I am Shinji Hioki, a system manager of LAN in faculty of Science.
>I've received your e-mail from a sys-manager of Hiroshima Univ. today.
>"Katsuhiko Kondo" is a professor of
>Laboratory of Plant Chromosome and Gene Stock, Hiroshima Univ.
>but I am afraid that he does not have a e-mail address. (available for me)
>I called him just now but he is absent, I will call him later.
>His telephone no.(univ.) is +81824-22-7111 ext.2910
>and fax no. is +81824-24-0738
>note that the telephone no. will be changed this April.
>Shinji Hioki
>Dep. of Physics, Hiroshima Univ. 724 Japan
Doug, I don't know how big the unrooted cuttings are that Glasshouse Works
sells. I may have N. ampullaria 'red' rooted cuttings available in a few