Germinating seeds

Seosamh Mac Carthaigh (
Mon, 8 Mar 1993 10:27 GMT

Hello folks,

this is my first posting to this list tho I have been listening for
quite along time. I am a real beginner at CP's, tho I am quite an
experienced gardener. I have had a few VFTs, and at the moment I have
some Pinguicula grandiflora as they are the local cps and no trouble.

I have just taken delivery of two packets of seed: Darlingtonia californica,
and Sarracenia (mixed species).

The next is to germinate them. I have a copy of Slack's "Insect eating
plants and how to grow them", and I understand from that that I treat
the seeds the same. Slack recommends dampening the seeds and putting
them in the fridge for a couple of weeks. I intend following his
guidelines closely: Perhaps someone out there has direct experience that
they could share..

thanks in advance


(in the west of Ireland: more sphagnum moss than you can eat!)