Hungry Plants Mail Order

Thu, 02 Sep 1993 10:45:22 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Folks,

Here's some info on another mail order source of CP. Hungry Plants in
Cary, NC, USA. They will be stopping their mail order business at the end of
1993. Ron Gagliardo is trying to make a career out of the CP business and
wants to devote his efforts to mass production of a few popular CP species.
He tells me they will be transferring most of their remaining mail order stock
to World Insectivorous Plants which is slated to reappear in 1994. Needless
to say, their current stocks are shrinking. However, they still have some
nice looking immature Heliamphora ($ 25.00 US). If anyone was thinking of
ordering from HP this fall, it would be best to check with them on
availability first. Or if you want to save the phone charge drop me an E-Mail
and I can see what plants (and how nice) are available. It's a local call for
me. Bye y'all
