Re: Hungry Plants Mail Order

Robert Allen (Robert.Allen@Eng.Sun.COM)
Thu, 2 Sep 1993 09:03:35 +0800

>> Here's some info on another mail order source of CP. Hungry Plants in
>>Cary, NC, USA. They will be stopping their mail order business at the
>>end of 1993. Ron Gagliardo is trying to make a career out of the CP
>>business and wants to devote his efforts to mass production of a few
>>popular CP species. He tells me they will be transferring most of
>>their remaining mail order stock to World Insectivorous Plants which
>>is slated to reappear in 1994. Needless to say, their current stocks
>>are shrinking. However, they still have some nice looking immature
>>Heliamphora ($ 25.00 US). If anyone was thinking of ordering from HP
>>this fall, it would be best to check with them on availability first.
>>Or if you want to save the phone charge drop me an E-Mail and I can
>>see what plants (and how nice) are available. It's a local call for
I recommend Hungry Plants. I also recommend WIP, if and when
they come back. Funny, I was just writing about the dearth of
mail order CP suppliers a couple of days ago. Maybe we are
riding the crest of a new CP wave.