Re: D. villosa question

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Tue, 14 Sep 93 16:31:18 MST

Hi, I've used Safers insecticide w/ fantastic results. Ants colonizied my
over grown S. rubra w/ scale insects and the Safers wiped out all the bugs
on the pitchers, crown and roots. If you want to play it really safe use the
stuff meant for the home vegetable garden. Good luck, John Phillips

John: I may just try that Safers. Are you refering to their soap?

>I've had a D. villosa plant for a year or so now.
>It's of a reasonable size, but it's still green,

Rob, does it have a rosette of lanceolate leaves?

Hey, this last weekend I was hiking by myself in the desert, keying
out plants and having a good time. I was in a canyon on the narrow trail
when I suddenly heard this fwap sound, like someone slapping a soggy
sock on a rock. I looked down and saw that a rattlesnake had just struck
at me and was righting itself! I became a projectile and I seem to recall
shouting something not entirely legible---something like Ya-hwa-sha!
I landed some feet away and *then* the damned thing started to rattle.
I hike with water bottles attached to my pack via velcro, but I jumped so
fast I left them behind! Picking them up was an edgy process

I do not know why the thing missed me---I have theories but none seem to
make much sense. Anyway, my progress slowed on the trail after that---every
rock was examined more carefully for basking residents.