Re: Cephalotus source

Barry Meyers-Rice (
Tue, 28 Sep 93 11:03:16 MST

>I just received my order of Cephalotus from Peter Pauls; took about a
>month. The two plants I received are VERY SMALL; I hope they survive...

I've been subtle about it before, but I won't anymore. I never recommend
doing any sort of business with Peter Pauls. In my estimation, they field
collect rampantly, sell incorrectly identified plants, and small ones at
that. I have nothing to do with them. I've heard enough stories of their
field collecting forays and deal-making that I'm disgusted by them.

>Can you give me the address of John Hummer? Also, does Cephalotus require

_Cephalotus_ requires no dormancy, as far as I know.

John is at

John Hummer
1705 N.Quebec Street
Arlington, VA 22207

John's plants are a little expensive, but I think this reflects the plants'
rarity well. He has some very interesting _Sarracenia_, all with location

I just got some _Heliamphora_ from Hungry plants and am very pleased with
their size. Ron certainly went all out in wrapping and shipping these
things carefully. Each plant was enclosed in a casing of three pots, and
with cotton-balls, newspaper-wrapping, and plastic bags I think each plant
has suffered minimal shock.

That, plus some germination from _U.volubilis_ and _Martynia lutea_
has made for a good day!