I've spoken with someone who claimed that they were solicited
to field collect for profit by the guy who runs Peter Pauls.
>>John Hummer
>>1705 N.Quebec Street
>>Arlington, VA 22207
>>John's plants are a little expensive, but I think this reflects the plants'
>>rarity well. He has some very interesting _Sarracenia_, all with location
Cool. I'll have to write him.
>>I just got some _Heliamphora_ from Hungry plants and am very pleased with
>>their size. Ron certainly went all out in wrapping and shipping these
>>things carefully. Each plant was enclosed in a casing of three pots, and
>>with cotton-balls, newspaper-wrapping, and plastic bags I think each plant
>>has suffered minimal shock.
Yup, and the prices are fair too. Did you get any of the hybrids?
They grow at easily twice the rate of the species. One of mine
just put up a 3" pitcher, which is not quite twice the size of
the ones which came with the plant. On the otherhand H. heterdoxa
is still producing juvenile pitchers.
On other fronts, does anyone know where I can get N. gracillima
and/or N. villosa? I've found a supposed source for the latter,
but it's in Australia and they won't ship out of country :-(.