> >I'm sure our Australian and other negative-latitude comrades will
> >be bemused to hear my tuberous _Drosera_ are coming out of dormancy.
> >It always entertains me to hear of Australia-grown _Sarracenia_ flowering
> >in November!
> Make that October, Barry! The last of my Sararacenia flowers have opened now
> (including our first S. leucophylla and (small) minor :-) ) and some of the
> earlier ones have started to drop their petals. The D. auriculata plants on
> my parents bush block are in flower at the moment - these are smaller and not
> quite as branched as our local ones, but it could just be environmental
> effects.
Well, my Sarracenia have only just started producing new pitchers, let alone
start flowering. I do have some Drosera flowering though, and one of my
Dionea is starting to produce a flower stalk. Do most people chop their Dionea
flower stalks off, and if you don't, how much does flowering weaken the plant ?
-- Rupert G. Goldie, Research Scientist rgg@aaii.oz.au Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute /\/\|| 1 Grattan Street, Melbourne, Australia