It seems that I've heard that you live somewhere in the Bay Area. If so,
are you sure that you don't have a resident raccoon? I live in very urban
(Castro district) San Francisco, and we have at least 4-5 of the nasty
buggers in the neighborhood!!! My poor succulent collection suffered great
damage like you suffered. The only cure I found that will usually work is
VERY bizarre but rather effective. This may be more disgusting that what
you have been suffering, but if you will mark the 'borders' with skunk urine,
raccoons will stay away. While the solution is really gross, it doesn't
smell after a few minutes (at least to human noses, that is....) You can
get the offensive liquid at many specialized agricultural supplies, though
they will have to order it for you.....)
There are a variety of urines on the market that are used for non chemical/
lethal pest control. As they usually are not horribly expensive, you might
try them. Something will offend your unwanted guests.
As far as applying the urine, I just pour it in several pots of dirt,(dead
plants) and sit them around the good stuff. This works for a couple of
months between applications, and eventually the critters will just give up
and stay away.
Hope it helps,