Re: Taylor's Book

Ralph Phillips (
Sat, 28 May 1994 23:29:22

>Please get me a copy and let me know how I can get the money to you. Does the
>Kew take VISA if so this would be the best way for me to pay. This is the
>Larger version the one that is 724 pages + xi illustrated with line drawings
>and photographs in b/w the book is 246 x 156 mm and the ISBN 0 11 250046 3?
>If so this is the one I want.
>My VISA number is as follows:
>4017 5606 2231 1914
>EXP Date 10/96
>Mark Steven Baker
>Thanks alot,
>Steve Baker
>PS Andreas Wistuba would more than likely buy the other copy. You can reach
>him at (A.Wistuba@DKFZ-Heidelberg.DE)

Dear God, surely you have more sense than to broadcast your visa
details over the internet. I can only think that perhaps you
thought that you were sending a private e-mail message rather than
posting a news item. I heartily recommend a swift phone call to
you visa company informing them that privacy of your details has
been breached.

Ralph Phillips