Re: Its not just a good idea....

NBS/Haleakala Field Station (halesci@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu)
Wed, 20 Jul 1994 09:17:29 -1000 (HST)

If anyone wants to face this issue head-on, maybe someone could write to
USFWS to see if there's a way folks who have some evidence of origin
could apply for a permit and, up to a given time limit, let's say,
without "penalty"/etc.... Although I agree that USFWS permitting is a
cumbersome bureaucratic process, I think it's a good idea (for lack of
any better way to track who owns legitimate vs. field-raped plants).

Any feedback...?

-philip thomas

On Tue, 19 Jul 1994, Barry Meyers-Rice wrote:

> Warning! Warning! Warning Will Robinson!
> I recently got a note in the mail from a well respected Sarracenia grower
> in Virginia. He notes:
> ``Some words of advice I would like to give you. We currently may be facing
> a battle with Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) concerning some of the
> Federally Endangered pitcher plant species we obtained prior to the act
> from legitimate growers. FWS, in a recent letter, ruled that divisions from
> this material are offspring and thereby require a permit for possession!!!
> I will take this all the way to the courts if I have to but the point is
> be careful what you are putting in print. You recently mentioned in CPN
> putting a list together with who grows what. You might want to get permission
> from these people before you print their name as potentially they might have
> some unwelcome visitors. Please do not take this as criticism of your
> outstanding efforts, just words of caution.''
> The list the author mentioned is the growlist maintained by Rick Walker, the
> mighty cp listkeeper.
> I'll keep up to date on this business, and will post any news.
> Barry